AIware 2024
Mon 15 - Tue 16 July 2024 Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, Brazil
co-located with FSE 2024

Call for Industry Statements & Demonstrations

The 1st ACM International Conference on AI-powered Software (AIware) is pleased to invite submissions to the Industry Statement & Demo Track. This track provides a platform for industry leaders and practitioners to showcase cutting-edge applications of AI in Software Engineering.

Call for submissions

We are seeking submissions from companies and individuals who are actively using AI to:

  • Improve software quality and reliability
  • Automate software development tasks
  • Enhance developer productivity and creativity
  • Address specific challenges in different areas of SE (e.g., testing, security, requirements engineering)

Submissions are encouraged to address one or more of the following themes:

  • Real-world AI applications in SE: share successful case studies and practical insights on how you’re leveraging AI to solve real-world problems in software development.
  • Emerging trends and innovations: showcase new and innovative ways you are utilizing AI to push the boundaries of SE practice.
  • Impact and challenges: demonstrate tools that highlight or explore the impact of AI on SE, including the challenges associated with its adoption.

Submission guidelines

The Industry & Demo Track will consist of two types of presentations:

Industry Statements: Deliver a medium or long-form presentation (15m - 45m) showcasing cutting edge industrial work on AI for SE. Talks should center around experiences with established products or high-profile prototypes intended for general release. Talks should include nontrivial research and/or technical components.

Tool Demos: shorter-form (5m) hands-on demonstrations of AI-powered tools, from both academia and industry. Tools may be early prototypes but should be publicly available. Academic submissions must be based on work that has been peer reviewed at the time of the conference.

To submit a proposal for a talk, please fill out this form by the Proposal Deadline. Submitters with accepted Tool Demos will require a recording to be submitted and reviewed by the Recordings Deadline (see date on the right and criteria below), which will additionally serve as a back-up in case the speaker is not able to present in person. Submitters of proposals for an eligible Industry Talk (see criteria below) will be contacted for a follow-up meeting.

Selection Criteria

This track welcomes submissions that showcase high-quality tools related to AI and SE, accompanied by a demonstrable technical or academic contribution. Please note that purely promotional presentations are not eligible.

The number of accepted proposals is subject to program constraints. We tentatively expect to accommodate 3-5 industry talks and 15-25 tool demonstrations. To ensure a balanced and impactful track, submissions will be evaluated based on the following factors:

  • Novelty: we favor submissions that present recently released tools or novel prototypes with upcoming publications.
  • Impact: priority will be given to projects with a larger user base.
  • Industry statements: talks involving a nontrivial technical or academic component are preferred.
  • Tool demonstrations: preference will be given to demonstrations showcasing publicly available and readily deployable tools.
  • Submission date: if we receive a larger volume of high quality submissions than we can accommodate, earlier submissions will have an advantage.

This track is not archival and will not involve peer review.

Important dates

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h). Dates are subject to change and submitters may be contacted for additional information before the Recordings Deadline.

  • Proposal Deadline: April 30, 2024
  • Recordings Deadline: June 15, 2024