AIware 2024
Mon 15 - Tue 16 July 2024 Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, Brazil
co-located with FSE 2024
Mon 15 Jul 2024 11:45 - 11:50 at Mandacaru - Industry Talk1 + SE for AIware Chair(s): Andreas Zeller

Foundation models, such as large language models (LLMs), have been widely recognised as transformative AI technologies due to their capabilities to understand and generate content, including plans with reasoning capabilities. Foundation model based agents derive their autonomy from the capabilities of foundation models, which enable them to autonomously break down a given goal into a set of manageable tasks and orchestrate task execution to meet the goal. Despite the huge efforts put into building foundation model based agents, the architecture design of the agents has not yet been systematically explored. Also, while there are significant benefits of using agents for planning and execution, there are serious considerations regarding responsible AI related software quality attributes, such as security and accountability. Therefore, this paper presents a pattern-oriented reference architecture that serves as guidance when designing foundation model based agents. We evaluate the completeness and utility of the proposed reference architecture by mapping it to the architecture of two real-world agents.

Mon 15 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change

11:00 - 12:30
Industry Talk1 + SE for AIwareLate Breaking Arxiv Track / Industry Statements and Demo Track / Main Track at Mandacaru
Chair(s): Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Industry talk
Agents for Data Science: From Raw Data to AI-generated Notebooks Using LLMs and Code Execution
Industry Statements and Demo Track
Jiahao Cai Google
Function+Data Flow: A Framework to Specify Machine Learning Pipelines for Digital Twinning
Main Track
Eduardo de Conto Nanyang Technological University; CNRS@CREATE, Blaise Genest IPAL - CNRS - CNRS@CREATE, Arvind Easwaran Nanyang Technological University
DOI Pre-print
Green AI in Action: Strategic Model Selection for Ensembles in Production
Main Track
Nienke Nijkamp Delft University of Technology, June Sallou Delft University of Technology, Niels van der Heijden University of Amsterdam, Luís Cruz Delft University of Technology
DOI Pre-print
Towards Responsible AI in the Era of Generative AI: A Reference Architecture for Designing Foundation Model based Systems
Late Breaking Arxiv Track
Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61, Xiwei (Sherry) Xu Data61, CSIRO, Zhenchang Xing CSIRO’s Data61; Australian National University, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
Towards Responsible Generative AI: A Reference Architecture for Designing Foundation Model based Agents
Late Breaking Arxiv Track
Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61, Xiwei (Sherry) Xu Data61, CSIRO, Zhenchang Xing CSIRO’s Data61; Australian National University, Stefan Harrer CSIRO's Data61, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
Agent Design Pattern Catalogue: A Collection of Architectural Patterns for Foundation Model based Agents
Late Breaking Arxiv Track
Yue Liu Data61, CSIRO, Sin Kit Lo CSIRO Data61, Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61, Dehai Zhao CSIRO's Data61, Xiwei (Sherry) Xu Data61, CSIRO, Stefan Harrer CSIRO's Data61, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
Live Q&A
Session Q&A and topic discussions
Main Track