AIware 2024
Mon 15 - Tue 16 July 2024 Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, Brazil
co-located with FSE 2024

0 results

People (11 results)
Abhik Roychoudhury

Abhik Roychoudhury

… …

Tim Menzies

Tim Menzies

North Carolina State University

… Full prof, ex-nurse,rocketman,taxi-driver,journalist (it all made sense at the time). …

Danny Dig

Danny Dig

University of Colorado Boulder, JetBrains Research

… , Visual Studio, and Android Studio. Danny travels all over the world to train …

Events (5 results)

A Comparative Analysis of Large Language Models for Code Documentation Generation

Main Track When: Tue 16 Jul 2024 14:20 - 14:30 People: Shubhang Shekhar Dvivedi, Vyshnav Vijay, Sai Leela Rahul Pujari, Shoumik Lodh, Dhruv Kumar

… that, barring StarChat, all LLMs consistently outperform the original documentation … level documentation had a considerably worse performance across all parameters …

Identifying the Factors That Influence Trust in AI Code Completion

Main Track When: Tue 16 Jul 2024 11:20 - 11:30 People: Adam Brown, Sarah D'Angelo, Ambar Murillo, Ciera Jaspan, Collin Green

… ), and the context of the development work (e.g., was the suggestion in a test file) all

Morescient GAI for Software Engineering

Late Breaking Arxiv Track When: Mon 15 Jul 2024 10:10 - 10:15 People: Marcus Kessel, Colin Atkinson

… The ability of Generative AI (GAI) technology to automatically check, synthesize and modify software engineering artifacts promises to revolutionize all aspects of software engineering. Using GAI for software engineering tasks …

Conference Program Scheduling using Genetic Algorithms

Challenge Track When: Tue 16 Jul 2024 16:45 - 16:55 People: Rucha Deshpande, Aishwarya Devi Akila Pandian, Vigneshwaran Dharmalingam

… and optimize goals. The total time for all presentations in a session cannot …

Attending Information (3 results)

Code of Conduct

… to providing a welcoming space for all attendees.

A primary goal of FSE 2024 … conference and events.

Expected Behavior

We expect all FSE 2024 … for all attendees, volunteers, sponsors, organizers, speakers, venue staff …

Social Events

… *: The LGBTQIA+ in Software Engineering Research community invites all LGBTQIA+ attendees … and vegetarian options to cater for all tastes and preferences. The menu includes … berry naked cake, banoffee, and pumpkin jam. This dinner is all about great food …

Porto de Galinhas, Brazil

… , 230 inns and 120 restaurants. There are options for all tastes. Porto de …

Tracks (3 results)

Challenge Track

… creation is the process of taking all the accepted papers to a conference … challenging are as follows:


  1. Total time for all … in a particular conference along with all the corresponding data: title, topics …

Main Track

… “Software for all and by all” is the future of humanity. AIware, i.e., AI … reimagine software and software engineering (SE), enabling individuals of all … creation is within the reach of Software Makers of all levels of SE expertise …

Industry Statements and Demo Track

… review.

Important dates

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h). Dates …

General (1 results)

AIware 2024 Homepage

… for all and by all" is the future of humanity. AIware, i.e., AI-powered software … and software engineering (SE), enabling individuals of all backgrounds … is within the reach of Software Makers of all levels of SE expertise, as opposed …