AIware 2024
Mon 15 - Tue 16 July 2024 Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, Brazil
co-located with FSE 2024
Xindong Zhang

Registered user since Sun 5 May 2019

Name:Xindong Zhang

I am an algorithm engineer at Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd. and working on software engineer area. Recent works mainly focus on TONGYI Lingma.

TONGYI Lingma is an AI coding assistant, based on TONGYI large language model developed by Alibaba Cloud. TONGYI Lingma provides line or method level code generation, natural language to code, unit test generation, comment generation, code explanation, AI coding chat and document/code search etc., aiming to provide developers with efficient, flowing and graceful coding experience.

Affiliation:Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd.
Research interests:LLM-powered Software Engineering, Defect Detection, Code Search, Code Review


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