AIware 2024
Mon 15 - Tue 16 July 2024 Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, Brazil
co-located with FSE 2024
Rodrigo Santos

Registered user since Sat 6 May 2017

Name:Rodrigo Santos

Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Informatics at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, Brazil) and Research Productivity Fellow Level 2 by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil). PhD in Software Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil). He was Academic Visitor at University College London (UCL, UK) and Postdoc Researcher at COPPE/UFRJ. Head of the Complex Systems Engineering Laboratory (Lab ESC), leading a team of 20 students with more than 30 partners over the world. His research interests are Complex Systems Engineering (especially software ecosystems and systems-of-systems) and Software Engineering Education. He worked in several projects related to process improvement and reuse management in large companies at Coppetec Foundation (2008-2017). He was also lecturer at Brazilian Open University, COPPE/UFRJ, UNIRIO, Infnet Institute, and Santa Úrsula University (2007-2017). He is member of Education Evaluating Commission at the Brazilian Ministry of Education since 2011. In the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), he was Coordinator (2019-2022) and is Vice-Coordinator (2022-2025) of the Special Commission of Information Systems (CE-SI), member (2022-2024) of the Special Commission of Games and Entertainment Computing (CE-Jogos), and member (2020-2024) of the Interest Group of Computer Science Education (GIEC). He was member (2021-2022) of the Special Commission of Software Engineering (CE-ES). He is also a steering committee member for WASHES@CSBC, BraSNAM@CSBC and SBQS, as well as SBGames (2020-2022). He was Editor-in-Chief (2017-2021) and is associate editor (2021-current) of iSys: Brazilian Journal of Information Systems (2017-2021). He was guest editor for special issues/sections for Information and Software Technology (Elsevier), Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (Wiley), Communications in Computer and Information Science (Springer), Journal of Internet Services and Applications (SBC & Springer), and Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC & Springer). He is the steering committee chair for SESoS@ICSE and also served as PC member for ICSE-SEET, ICSE-SCORE. SESoS, ECSA, MODELS, ICSOB, CIbSE, IWSiB, ECIS, ACM MEDES etc., as well as reviewer for IEEE TSE, JSS, IST, COMIND, ESWA, SCP, JSEP, FGCS, IJDRR etc. My ORCID:

Affiliation:UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Research interests:Software Ecosystems; Systems-of-Systems; Software Engineering Education


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